The Home – Made, Purchased or Given pt 6

            As I continue with these writings, The Home – Made, Purchased or Given, I hope that you will stay connected with this series.  There will be something special revealed at the end of these writings that I hope will be received and appreciated as it is intended.

God honored his established home to the extent that He allowed His Son to be born in the flesh and be reared in the home of humble people before God.  Jesus, God’s Son, became subject to Mary and Joseph until He came of age.

            Isaac and Jesus are examples of those who were completely obedient.  Isaac was obedient even to the time when he was to be offered as a sacrifice.  God stayed this death because it was to teach two lessons.  First, man could not provide his own sacrifice; second, God would provide a sacrifice for him.  God did prove Abraham’s faith and obedience to Him.  Isaac was obedient even unto death.  But this teaches us a greater lesson.  Jesus was obedient unto the Heavenly Father that He being the Son of God, the one and only sacrifice acceptable unto God for our sins, became obedient unto the Father that we might be saved. 

            This home where obedience exists is made by the parents teaching love and authority, but it is equally given as each member gladly accepts his or her position in the home as unto God.

            What about The Home – Begun in Courtship?  The expectations, desires, and fulfillment in the home are begun in courtship.  Both man and woman set their affections upon a mate with some standards as to what that mate should be.  This is developed throughout the space of time til marriage seals them to each other.  There are three types of courtship presented in the Bible which should be considered.

            The first type of courtship is the acceptance of God’s Choice.  The twenty-fourth chapter of Genesis gives a clear account of two people accepting God’s choice and direction for their lives in marriage.  This is the story of Abraham sending his trusty servant back to his family home to find a wife for Isaac his son.  Abraham places his servant under an oath not to take a wife from the people around him but go back to his father’s family.  The servant had also found Abraham’s God as the God who made things possible and led those who followed.  He did not rely upon himself but prayed that God would lead him to the right person and placed a sign by which he would know God’s will.  The answer to the sign which the servant asked was given in the very way that it was asked, therefore, the servant was assured of the fulfillment of his task.  At the evening meal the servant stated his mission, told of his master’s wealth, his prayer and the way it had been answered, asked for Rebekah to be his wife.  All the family admitted that the work was the work of God but left the final decision to Rebekah.  She said, I will go.

We will look at several conditions under which they were brought together in the next post.  Until then, there are times we are asked to obey God, is our final decision yes and to go?

Encourage One Another,

Bro. Jim Graham